Hugo Martins

Traffic: July to December 2022

I’ve kept this tradition of looking back at the traffic every six months since 2021 (here and here). This time, it also marks the end of the year, in terms of traffic, which makes this review two-fold: a six-month review along with a yearly review.


In total, from July 2022 to December 2022, there were 11868 visitors and 13517 pageviews (~73/day). Google is still the biggest source of traffic, followed by Bing and DuckDuckGo. Compared with the previous month, visitors were down 10%, while pageviews were down 12%.

This isn’t a surprise to me in any way. I have written only two essays during this period and I didn’t share any of them broadly, I was actually quite surprised when I noticed the numbers didn’t go down even more.

The top essays have remained the same, throughout this semester, with only a slight change in ranking:

  1. How To Pass Multiple Parameters To Same Value in Query Strings
  2. Building a Private Terraform Registry
  3. Using require and check Functions in Kotlin
  4. Understanding Differences Between List and MutableList in Kotlin
  5. How to Access Host Resources in Minikube Pods?

Using require and check Functions in Kotlin surpassed both How to Access Host Resources in Minikube Pods? and Understanding Differences Between List and MutableList in Kotlin.

Throughout 2022, there were 24994 unique visitors and 28673 pageviews. Most of what was written in 2022 didn’t get much traction, except for Essential Fields in Kubernetes Manifests, which seems to have found its way to Top 10 somehow.

I didn’t share much (or anything) of what I wrote during the entire year, which is something I might want to change in 2023, but some of the things I wrote on the journey to CKAD seemed to have resonated with people, even though I didn’t share them.

For 2023, I don’t want to necessarily increase traffic but I’d be happy if, by writing and sharing more, traffic would necessarily grow organically. I’ll put my focus more on the writing than I did in 2022, and we’ll see the impact doing that will have.