Hugo Martins

Traffic: January to June 2022

Last year I started publishing short summaries about the traffic this website receives. You can see the initial reports for January to June 2021 and July to December 2021. This year I’m trying to keep doing just that. Here’s the traffic this website received during the initial semester of 2022.


In total, from January to June 2022, there were 13127 unique visitors and 15156 pageviews (84/day). Google was where most traffic came from, followed by Bing, DuckDuckGo and Yandex. Compared with the previous six months, pageviews per day were up 1.7x, which I attribute to the compounding effect of Google redirecting more traffic to the website since around October of last year.

I’ve written five essays throughout the initial half of 2022, with one being a traffic summary and four of those being focused on Kubernetes and CKAD. Throughout this initial semester of 2022, the top essays have remained exactly the same:

  1. How To Pass Multiple Parameters To Same Value in Query Strings
  2. Building a Private Terraform Registry
  3. Understanding Differences Between List and MutableList in Kotlin
  4. How to Access Host Resources in Minikube Pods?
  5. Using require and check Functions in Kotlin

. I attribute this situation to three reasons:

  • Google has continuously been directing people to those articles, which will naturally make them stand out more.
  • I haven’t published anything in April, May or June, and have published five pieces in January, February and March. This means that there isn’t a lot of fresh essays ready for people to read, so they will naturally gravitate to older essays.
  • I haven’t made much of an effort to promote the website, which means that once the most recent essays are published they won’t get as much traffic in the longer term, at least not as much as the most established essays.

I’ve started this website as a place where I could explore the practice of writing, where I could experiment and, in some cases, take notes. I’m not discouraged by the halt in growth because it makes sense, given what I’ve produced recently.

The website keeps receiving some traffic, which I’m happy about, even though I haven’t been as consistent with a publishing schedule, which is really what I’m not so happy about and I will aim at improving that in the following six months.