Hugo Martins

Traffic: July to December 2021

Earlier this year I wrote Traffic: January to June 2021 with a quick summary about the traffic this website received between January and June of 2021. As I stated when I wrote it, it “isn’t necessarily an immediate concern whether this website gets much traffic” but it is always interesting to analyze and I’m always curious about it. So, without further ado, here are a few notes about the traffic this website received between July and December 2021.


In total, from July to December, there were 8091 unique visitors and 9283 pageviews (50/day). Google was where most traffic came from, followed by DuckDuckGo, Bing and LinkedIn. Comparing with the previous six months, pageviews per day were up 2.3x which I attribute to Google appreciating some essays and redirecting much more traffic to them than before.

Top Essays:

  1. How To Pass Multiple Parameters To Same Value in Query Strings
  2. Building a Private Terraform Registry
  3. Understanding Differences Between List and MutableList in Kotlin
  4. How to Access Host Resources in Minikube Pods?
  5. Using require and check Functions in Kotlin

All of the top essays were already the top essays in the previous 6 months, although How To Pass Multiple Parameters To Same Value in Query Strings jumped from fifth to first. This change seems to be motivated by Google appreciating this essay much more than the remaining ones.

Although, during these six months, I’ve written much less than in the previous six months (5 essays), it seems that the content written in the beginning of the year has lived long and enjoyed a good amount of traffic from Google.